Our commitment to species and nature conservation

Addressing the immense challenges of our day, such as climate change, species extinction and environmental destruction, requires the commitment of all of us. We at Zoo Leipzig pursue a holistic approach with our species conservation strategy. We support many species and nature conservation projects in Germany and around the world.

Furthermore, our environmental management system means that we operate sustainably.

To find out more about our commitment to species conservation, visit our state-of-the-art education centre Ark Discovery House.

From Leipzig to the world

Every day, we actively work for the protection of endangered species and their habitats. Zoo Leipzig supports many species conservation projects and organisations and its employees are involved in numerous working groups and expert commissions. Furthermore, Zoo Leipzig is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), which recognises the significant role of zoos in species conservation efforts in its position statement.

Przewalski’s wild horse
Europäischer Uhu auf einem Ast
Europäische Wildkatze schlafend im Gras
Zwei Säbelantilopen grasend
Mehrere junge Steinkäuze in den Händen

Reintroducing endangered animals into the wild

Projects aimed at stabilising populations or their reintroduction often require years of preparation and scientific support. This makes them generally very time-consuming and expensive. The management of endangered species in breeding programmes is often only one aspect of these preparations.

Zoo Leipzig has been assisting in this effort for decades by keeping the gene pool of its species diverse and making animals available for release into the wild. Leipzig has already made a number of animals available for reintroduction projects, including European wildcats, little owls, European eagle owls, Scimitar-horned oryx, Przewalski's horses and white storks. A major reinforcement project is currently being prepared involving the conservation of the common hamster in Middle Germany.

[Translate to English:] Amurtiger

Stud books and breeding programs at Zoo Leipzig

Zoos house a valuable reserve population of endangered and prospectively endangered species, and they coordinate their work in international and European stud books and conservation breeding programmes.

More information

euros have already been provided for our projects this year thanks to your Artenschutz-Euro donation.

Since 2017, visitors have been able to pay a voluntary Artenschutz-Euro donation of one euro with every ticket purchase, thereby directly supporting Zoo Leipzig's global commitment.

Support of and cooperation in species conservation organisations and expert committees

Zoo Leipzig is a member of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), the Association of Zoological Gardens (VdZ), the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) and the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (WAZA). It provides both financial and personnel support to a variety of species conservation organisations and expert groups. We are thus not only a part of a global network, we also actively contribute to it with our expertise.

Research to support species conservation efforts

In the long term, species conservation is only effective if it is based on scientific principles and accompanying analyses. We therefore work closely with numerous recognised research institutions and enable research work not only at the zoo, but also in our projects worldwide. The Association of Zoological Gardens (VdZ) and the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria (EAZA) set up the Zoo Science Library research database which consolidates the research contributions of the zoo community.

Species conservation donation

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To the species conservation donation